Produtos e Serviços

Cous Cous Linha

It consists of several cross placed mixers, one beside the other, each one equipped with its own paddle shaft. The extended moistening time results in increased pre-formed granules output, with definitive features. The quantity of recycled product from the calibrating drum is reduced.

The unit simulates the hand rolling work of Maghreb women, achieving the same quality results. It also performs the product separation according to sizes (correct, too small or too large). The output perforations, dimensioned according to the granulations required by the customer, are continuously kept clean by the revolving brushes.

The dimensions of the cooker, combined with the excellent distribution over the whole belt width results in a very thin layer of the product on the belt. This factor and the mixing shafts enhance the steam penetration into the product.This provides for total and homogenuous cooking yielding a high quality product and a reduction in energy consumption.

Specially designed for cous cous, they are extremely efficient, easy to run, constantly clean (product doesn’t fall on the floor because the drying tiers have stainless steel sheets rather than grid surfaces).

Only ambient air is used.

END OF THE LINE, consisting of:

SHIFTER, where the number of tiers is determined by the number of granulations required (middle, fine, etc.).
ROLLER MILL, used to reduce the oversized granules to standard dimensioned products.
FINISHED PRODUCT SILOS (at least one for each granulation).

Atuamos noa mais diversos segmentos industriais, oferecendo produtos para solções aos setores de manutenção e produção. 

Nosso conhecimento e experiência foi adquirido através de vários anos, em contato direto com profissionais de vários segmentos industriais, desenvolvendo soluções práticas em parceria com nossos Clientes.

Somos especialistas em intermediação e negociação internacional.

Disponibilizamos nossa experiência à empresas brasileiras para prospecções de novos clientes, intermediações e negociações internacionais, viabilizando tratativas justas e com maior segurança para nossos clientes.

Agenciamento de compras, inspeção.


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